Regular Schedule


9:30 AM Sunday School

10:30 AM Worship with Holy Communion
5:00 PM Evening Worship (new time as of 1/1/25)


Rose Hill Presbyterian Church (PCA)
229 South Saluda Avenue
Columbia, SC 29205

Church Calendar


Please stay committed to our missionaries by interceding on their behalf and encouraging them with emails.


United World Mission

Andrew and Julie Halbert – Costa Rica


Mission To The World

Tom and Ann Austin – South Africa

Charles and Bonita Davidson – Latin America

John and Susan Shane – South Africa

Tim and Nicole – Europe  ~ Restricted Area

Neal and Debbie – Central Asia  ~ Restricted Area


Please also pray for the persecuted Church around the world; for information, visit the “Voice of the Martyrs” website by clicking here.


Mission To North America

Jim Hatch – Church Planting

Chaplain Ministries –


~ Missionaries serving in restricted areas do not have their email addresses or specific field locations listed to protect their privacy.